Liposuction For Men
Removing Stubborn Fat & Creating Masculine Contours
With minimal downtime and minuscule incisions, liposuction for men 如果你经常注意饮食和锻炼,这是一个很好的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网吗, 但我仍然担心腹部的特定区域, flanks (“love handles”) and chest. At Donaldson, 我们的外科医生旨在消除多余的顽固脂肪沉积,达到理想的身体比例.
调整待处理区域的数量和大小, 男性抽脂手术在全身麻醉下只需要几个小时. 这最大限度地提高了舒适性和安全性,同时让您实现最具影响力的结果. 你可以在当天回家,穿着定制的压缩服装或支持包裹.
Our surgeons focus on your safety and goals. 他们负责处理脆弱的组织,并采取全面的方法为您的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网. In addition to our surgical expertise, 我们拥有世界一流的功能医学团队,随时准备为您的手术做好准备,并通过 customized weight management programs that fit your lifestyle.
Frequently Asked Questions
While many fundamental principles of liposuction apply to both men and women, 我们认识到不同的解剖和美学的考虑,当执行这个过程的男性.
Men have greater fat density and store more excess fat in the abdomen and trunk; women tend to store more fat in the hips and thighs. 男性通常选择抽脂来增强肌肉轮廓,减少脂肪沉积,以获得更有线条感的体格, 而女性则会选择更有型、更有女人味的外表.
Ideal candidates have areas of excess fat deposition, such as the abdomen, flanks (“love handles”), 胸部或颈部的问题不能通过节食和锻炼来解决. Additionally, candidates should be in good overall health, 对手术结果有现实的期望,并承诺术后保持健康的生活方式以维持结果.
Wherever you store extra weight. These areas often include:
- “Spare tire” around the waist
- “Love handles” on the sides
- Chest
- Upper arms
- Thighs
- Chin
所有这些部位都适合手术澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网我们的外科医生会选择 variety of surgical liposuction methods to match your fat pattern and consistency.
压缩服是指在抽脂手术后专门为澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网部位提供集中压力和支撑的专门服装. 我们建议大多数患者穿紧身衣6周.
During the first 2 – 3 weeks of recovery, 我们建议患者每天24小时都穿着专门的压缩服.
抽脂后的恢复时间可以根据手术的程度和个人因素而有所不同. 一般来说,患者肿胀和瘀伤会在一两周内消退.
Most patients return to light activities within a week, 但在4-6周内应避免更剧烈的活动,以达到最佳的愈合效果. 遵循护理协调员提供的术后护理指导是至关重要的. These often include the use of compression garments, dietary modifications, motion restrictions, sleeping recommendations and more.
虽然在手术后不久可以看到明显的改善, 最终的结果可能需要几个月的时间才能完全显现,因为身体会调整,肿胀会完全消失. Each patient’s recovery experience is unique, 咨询你的外科医生会为你提供量身定制的抽脂后愈合时间表.
Several millimeters, or approximately 1/4 inch. 他们往往愈合为一个小瑕疵,就好像一个小痣已经从该地区被移除.
The location of the incisions is also important, 我们的外科医生会把它们放在不显眼的地方. 它们通常隐藏在自然的身体轮廓或现有的折痕中, such as inside the navel, or in areas typically covered by clothing.
Schedule Your Liposuction Consultation
在唐纳森,我们已经帮助成千上万的男性实现了他们的外表和健康目标. 我们邀请您与我们一起探索微创手术抽脂.
From Our Surgical Experts
Read More about "The Different Types Of Liposuction "
The Different Types Of Liposuction
三种最常见的手术抽脂方式包括传统的, laser-assisted and ultrasound-assisted liposuction. 我们邀请您在研究您的选择时更多地了解这些技术!
Read More about "What Happens During Liposuction? "
What Happens During Liposuction?
吸脂术是最受欢迎的塑形手术. 我们邀请您在手术室里仔细观察这个过程.
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A Complete Guide to Skin Tightening
有很多澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网方法可以收紧松弛的皮肤,帮助你看起来和感觉最好. 阅读这个易于遵循的指南,为你所有的皮肤紧致澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网 & procedures.